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Re: [tlug] wireless router: beginner advice

On 09/10/2010 04:55 PM, Darren Cook wrote:
Any thoughts on this, BUFFALO 11n/g/b対応 無線LANルーター Air Station
WHR-G301N, 5000 yen: [1]

I've been using the G300N for abut a year and am happy with the performance. I have two desktop PCs on the wired LAN and our tenant upstairs has two desktops on the wireless. All are connected full time and one upstairs and one downstairs machine are torrent boxes. Between the tenant and my family, we also have three laptops that log in occasionally.

It cost me about JPY 6,350 plus points at LABI in Mito last July. I have upgraded the firmware twice with Buffalo upgrades.


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