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Re: [tlug] Arrrg! Permissions driving me nuts in PHP [UN-SOLVED]

> nobody    7513  0.3  0.0 24296 12396 ?       S    05:12   0:14
> /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -k start -DSSL

Wow, it really is running as nobody. Did you build it from scratch?

I was a bit curious so I su -'d to nobody on one of my dev boxen and
as suspected it seems that nobody can make directories, change
permissions on them and remove them all just fine. You might want to
investigate the properties of the parent directory as Stephen was

Mystery aside, if you are going to run this script as cron you could
use lynx (command line browser) to hit the webpage and more or less
keep the environment as you expect. Of course, it would make a lot
more sense to simply modify your script to work from CLI.

> However, the ultimate intention is to run it via cron job. I don't know
> if cron is run under the authority of the apache user or what.

Cron is user-level based so you run it under the authority of whoever you like.


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