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Re: [tlug] Javascript and I have different ideas about what "concatenate" means.

Hi Dave,

based on Ruben's trial, I guess your browser/configuration is not
capable of correctly dealing with innerHTML when this contains a DOM

I would suggest appendChild()'s more tedious as you have to built
the HTML you need appending each child on a separate instruction but
you should be able to solve your problems.

You can try the code below (working perfectly on my openSUSE - Mozilla
3.6 machine):
		<script language="JavaScript">
			function addNestedDivBlock()
				var divLv3 = document.createElement("div"); //putting the whole
<div style="...">Div content</div> doesn't work with Firefox
				divLv3.className = "3"; = '0 0 0 100px';
				divLv3.innerHTML = 'Lv3 content';

				var divLv2 = document.createElement("div"); //putting the whole
<div style="...">Div content</div> doesn't work with Firefox
				divLv2.className = "2"; = '0 0 0 50px';
				divLv2.innerHTML = 'Lv2 content';

				var divLv1 = document.createElement("div"); //putting the whole
<div style="...">Div content</div> doesn't work with Firefox
				divLv1.className = "1";
				divLv1.innerHTML = 'Lv1 content';



		<button onclick="addNestedDivBlock()">Add block of divs</button>

		<div id="parentDiv">

Hope it can works for you too.



2010/12/15, Dave M G <>:
> Marco, David, Ruben,
> Thank you for responding.
> Just for clarity, the divs all have classes, not IDs, and I removed the
> last forward slash at the end of the code that might have been causing
> trouble.
> So I'm pretty sure I've got the HTML syntax right.
> Also, I dumped the content of my output variable to console.log() and it
> seems to be formatting correctly, so Marco's suggestion that innerHTML
> is doing some kind of validation seems to be right. The content of the
> variable is right, but innerHTML is parsing it into crap.
> So I've been looking for ways to write the variable into the div, and
> everything works in some weird way. I've tried insertBefore (doesn't
> seem to like nested divs), writeIn (clobbers the whole page), and
> appendChild (don't know what the heck it's doing).
> Isn't there some way you can just dynamically write a chunk of prepared
> HTML into an existing page? The chunk of HTML I'm writing comes from a
> JSON returned from the server, so I want to be able to rewrite the div
> contents whenever I get new data.
> --
> Dave M G
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