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Re: [tlug] [Javascript] enabling/disabling buttons: Japanese text and enter buttons


> 1.
> When entering Japanese text (I'm testing on Ubuntu/Firefox with
> Anthy/UIM input), no amount of typing activates the button. If I switch
> back to English, type in at least one character, then it will check and
> validate the Japanese text. It seems as though Japanese input does not
> trigger onKeyup() or onChange() events.
> Anyone have experience with this kind of thing?

A quick test on OSX with safari, firefox, chrome testing shows:

Safari and Firefox  fires onKeyUp (only after you hit enter or click
in the box to select the kanji - that is it fires after the line
signifying you can edit with the ime disappears)
Chrome - fires onKeyUp (this fires even as you are editing with the ime )

All later fire onChange when clicked outside the textbox


Note: this is under GWT (Google Web Toolkit) so in theory my
javascript should be compatible with these browsers.

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