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Re: [tlug] looking for a job

Hi Laurent,

On Saturday, May 19, 2012 08:48 PM, Laurent K wrote:
Would you guys say it's more likely to get a job directly
applying to a company or through a recruiting agency?

I think if you really want a job not just in Japan, but in any country, you should try every possible avenue. Why bother with odds? Even if you have a 0.001% chance with one approach, if that 0.001% chance is you being hired...then who cares? :-)
You said you were in Japan 3 years ago?  Working, I presume? 
 Can a Japanese employer write (or be willing to write) a 
reference letter about you?  I think that would help...  [I 
think that is fair to say about an employer in any country; 
not just Japan.]

I heard working visa sponsorship became less troublesome
than 3 years ago. At the moment I don't have a working
permit for japan, Is that a big handicap ?

Somewhat irrelevant...if you want to work in Tokyo, just try. Whether or not it is a handicap depends on whether or not they are looking at your CV and another person from within Japan who doesn't need to be sponsored for a visa at the same time.
Timing's everything and you don't know if you've got the 
timing right unless you try...
You may want to consider studying some Japanese either in 
your home country or at a language school in Japan.  If your 
aim is Japan, you probably will open more doors studying 
Japanese than (say) studying another programming language.

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