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Re: [tlug] Desktop alternatives

On 2012/05/28, at 19:20, Attila Kinali wrote:
> So, anyone please tell me what for i would need a desktop environment?

As far as you can get your job done in less time, less pain and less costs, you don't need it.
It's a tool, nothing more. I think it will disappear in a near future, as well as all the desktop and interface paradigms that have been used in the last 30 years. Interaction proxies (mouses, screens, keyboards) introduce constrains to interfaces. These "proxies" are going to change and are changing and so will do interfaces as well. I wouldn't spend too much time thinking about the tool instead of it's purpose. I suggest to focus in the purpose, so you will find the right tool.


- Pietro Zuco, Mobile Developer 
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