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Re: [tlug] Help on a script...

Hi again,

Unison does not to like non-ascii filenames... This is a no-go for my wife computer
(with tons of Chinese/Japanese filenames).


On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Bruno Raoult <> wrote:
Hi Raymond,

On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 11:30 AM, Raymond Wan <> wrote:
Hi Bruno,

> Old directories are logged (with my options). For instance 2008 ones.
> Did you try with all my options?

Uhhhhh, actually, no.  I'm just giving you suggestions to help you out
and not really going deep into your problem with a fine-tooth
comb...that's your job.  :-)  [Not that your sample scripts wasn't
appreciated; I'm sure someone else with more time and expertise can
give it a better look.]
If you're still stuck, how about you consider using something else,
such as "unison".  It is based on rsync and its output seems to solve
your problem.  I use the GUI version and it only lists the files (and
directories) that have changed.  The command-line version may be what
you need...

Thanks, I will have a look. But if "Unison" can do it, and is based on
rsync/ssh, I guess it is possible to do it with the lower level tools.


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