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Re: [tlug] WiMax for mobile internet?

Howdy Ian,

I recently tested an Emobile WiMax hotspot as I'm considering ditching my phone's data plan (you can rent one at the airport). I had pretty decent success and decent speeds, seldom dropping to 3G. Softbank is also offering one at a competitive rate (unfortunately, I could not rent an LTE unit from Softbank).

All the best,

-- Shaun

On Wed, Jan 23, 2013 at 12:48 PM, Ian Lawrence Barwick <> wrote:
Hi all

I'm looking at upgrading my ca. 2009-era Emobile USB dongle to WiMax.

Does anyone have any experience (good or bad) with this?

I'm planning to get a portable wifi version, so presumably Linux
compatibility will not be an issue.

My main concern is coverage - Emobile has been very reliable even out
in the sticks, how does WiMax measure up?

Thanks for any comments

Ian Barwick

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