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Re: [tlug] Japanese Input - Kubuntu 12.04 LTS

On 08/26/2013 09:06 PM, Lyle H Saxon wrote:
I was able to do that, which gave me all Japanese menus (which isn't
wanted, but can be lived with), but no Japanese input (which is

Ideally, it would be nice to have English menus combined with the
ability to input text in Japanese.

Hi Lyle. I'm working on a Mint 15 system I installed a couple of days ago -- which is based on Uabuntu. I have a workstation in the office with Ubuntu 12.10 and another laptop with the same thing. All installed with no problems with exactly the options you mention above. They are all pretty much vanilla installs. And I've been using Ubuntu since 10.somethingorother with no real problems.
The Ubuntu machines are all running the gnome legacy stuff if that makes 
any difference.
Under settings->language support there is a selection for menu 
languages.  You should have only english (not 日本語) checked.  Also 
under system->language support select ibus for your input method and on 
ibus preferences you need to select the japanese input method and add anthy.
Do you have ibus and anthy installed?  I believe when I installed, they 
were installed when I did the language setup.  Also I install kasumi.
I used synaptic and have kasumi, ibus, ibus-qt4 (for anki) and anthy 
installed.  Make sure you have those, then on my machine under system 
tools there is a button to 'start ibus' and you should be able to add anthy.
What is different about your install that makes it difficult?  Is it 
somehow an odd machine?  I can hear the frustration.  頑張って
Steve S.

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