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Re: [tlug] Making an Android device bilingual

On 12/13/2013 10:34 PM, CL wrote:
I want to make my Android device (Kindle) as language-switchable as my
desktop PC.  I want to be able to use the Bluetooth QWERTY keyboard I
bought with the tablet to input E <-> J text. Something similar to iBus
but without the iBus problems.

Amazon is pushing ATOK, which seems to have the feature as one possible
choice but I haven't used that since I had a Just Systems word processor
running in OS/2 Warp.  Those were NOT happy times.

Can anyone offer any insight into the wisdom of that selection or make
another suggestion?

Do they allow you to use the standard google Japanese IME? That's what I use on my Nook HD+ and Nexus and it works fine. The Paperwhite only gives access to the keyboards Amazon supples (ATOK??) but that seems adequate for the trivial stuff I do on that e-reader.
Steve S.

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