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Re: [tlug] Wifi hotspot access in Tokyo

On 19 March 2014 17:37, Bruno Raoult <> wrote:
> Interesting... Even my Latin teacher would not have used this nonsense
> plural in this sentence:
> "campus" plural cannot be "campi".

I disagree.

> Either this thread is English (then campus is fine in plural form, and this
> is the same in most
> languages today, such as we do in France), either you want to write old
> Latin, in which case
> "campus" is not appropriate, as the word has a different meaning.

Not really sure what this has to do with the price of butter, to be
honest. Plenty of loan-words slide in meaning, yet retain their old

> However,
> for Latin, you should
> have used genitive for this plural in your sentence (campōrum for the plural
> form).

Fair enough, I'll take it into account next time.

> I prefer "campus" in all forms :)

I'm fairly certain "campuses" is the most common English plural form.

> And yes, I prefer to say "I have all Mozart's concertos".
> Maybe wrong, but everybody will understand, which is the point of any
> communication.

You seem to have understood perfectly what I meant with "campi", so
why's that any different?

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