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Re: [tlug] Fixing Sound AGAIN

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 02:24:24PM -1000, David J Iannucci wrote:
> > They've forced everyone who uses Skype on Linux to upgrade to v.4.3 --
> > and requires the use of pulse-audio, thus doesn't work any more.
> I, otoh, would love to hear others' ideas about alternatives. My wife
> has been hearing about LINE from her friends, so I'm thinking I need to
> learn more about that....

When my wife was in Japan, she used Line to call me.  It meant getting
various messages from Line, asking me if I wanted to join this group or
that group.  And, stickers, which apparently some people pay for--said wife
enjoyed the free stickers though, and I must confess, a couple of them made
me laugh. 

I haven't used it on computer--for a phone call though, it was OK--however,
much of the time if either of us turned on video,the connection would
become unstable, usually disconnecting.  Another issue we had, (only
sometimes) was that she would call and it wouldn't ring, only give me a
message after she hung up.  

All in all, it served the purpose while she was in Japan.

Scott Robbins
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