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Re: [tlug] VirtualBox with Wndows XP in Thinkpad x240 running kubuntuubn

On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 02:11:39AM +0900, CL wrote:
> On 02/10/2015 01:17 AM, SCHWARTZ, Fernando G. wrote:
> > Dear all,
> >
> > On 02/09/2015 10:53 AM, CL wrote:
> >> Current version of Wheezy does not show _any_ user groups in any GUI 
> >> setup file. 
> >> Ideas?

Odd.  Well, running the command groups <username> should show it.

For example, if you, as user greatscott are the user that logs on and
runs VirtualBox or VBoxManage

groups greatscott

That should show the groups of the user greatscott.

> > On the distros that I use everyday, setting this up is:
> > usermod -a -G vboxusers <your_intended_user_name_2_run_VB_under>
> "<your_intended_user_name_ 2_run_VB_under>" = ...
> 1. The Debian (host) user name?

Yeah. You log onto Debian as greatscott as one does.  (Ok, I admit, most of
you, even after reading my posts, may not have created that user name.)

Then, as root or using sudo for root privilege, on the Debian host

usermod -a -G vboxusers greatscott

> And yet, the USB keyboard and mouse have always worked.  It's the USB 
> headset, camera, and USB drives that don't.

Which is actually an interesting point that I'd never thought of till
now--yeah, mouse and keyboard always work, even if USB.  

Scott Robbins
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