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Re: [tlug] systemd opinions for a web server?

Darren Cook writes:

 > (Though all web servers I touch are in The Cloud now, so if something
 > does not boot then I am more likely to give up and start with a new
 > instance, than start looking at logs.)

The only really bad thing I've heard about systemd (vs. its
originator, to whom I took an instant dislike when I saw him in
concert in Singapore a couple months ago, and evidently I'm far from
the only person who feels that way -- one person said they'd rather
room with Theo deRaadt than spend a day with Leonard Poettering ;-) is
that like cloud instances, figuring out what went wrong where in
systemd is often more trouble than its worth.

@nigel I've been running Debian testing for ages, and can't tell you
when it migrated to Jessie w/ systemd.  But I can tell you I didn't
notice the transition until somebody started bitching about systemd in
another venue a couple months ago.  I wouldn't worry about it unless
you are going to need to actually mess with the configuration of
systemd components for security or performance reasons.  If you're
just going to take all defaults as far as you know, there are (as
Simon says) a lot of more annoying aspects to an upgrade to Jessie to
worry about.


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