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Re: [tlug] Moving on from xterm

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 08:15:09PM +0900, Curt Sampson wrote:
> rxvt-unicode (the 256-color multi-langauge version) which at first
> glance sounds as if it would be the sort of thing I'm looking for, but
> I don't know anything about it as of yet.

It will fullfil your requirements. It's a fast and yet large and featureful
program. I've been using it for 9 years now (with tmux).

It's very flexible (supports Perl extensions for things like URL selection, tab
support, and other things; fully customizable key bindings; ...) and has very
good font handling. It works well with all legacy (scim, uim, ...) and modern
(ibus, fcitx) X11 input methods. I've also been using it with Japanese input &

Here's my core configuration if you're looking for a quickstart:

  URxvt.font:             xft:Fira Mono:style=Regular:size=15,\
  URxvt.boldFont:         xft:Fira Mono:style=Medium,\
  URxvt.italicFont:       xft:Fira Sans:style=Italic
  URxvt.boldItalicFont:   xft:Fira Sans:style=Medium Italic
  URxvt.letterSpace:      -1
  URxvt.scrollBar:        False
  URxvt.jumpSchroll:      True
  URxvt.skipScroll:       True
  URxvt.secondaryScroll:  True
  URxvt.saveLines:        16384
  URxvt.underlineColor:   #cc241d
  URxvt.perl-ext-common:  default,matcher
  URxvt.url-launcher:     /usr/bin/firefox-esr
  URxvt.matcher.button:   1
  URxvt.cutchars:         "'*,<>[]{}|-_@:/"

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