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Re: [tlug] Chrome ate my profile

Schwartz, Fernando G. writes:

 > ... Stick to the " Chromium " copy you've got through your distro channels.

No, thank you.  This is not a proprietary doo-dad problem according to
Google (the search engine side) itself.  This is a "broken by design"
problem.  (Broken by design is not a propriety "Oh, Mr. Veedle, we
don't have to care -- we're the phone company" vs. open source "many
eyes" problem.  Anybody who's worked with Emacsen knows that none of
the attempts to "do Emacs right" -- TeXmacs, pymacs, perlmacs,
Aquamacs, XEmacs, ... -- have been able to fix the fundamental design
problems with RMSmacs.)

 > Choosing a proper desktop distro helps too. If that's your case.

Yeah, I chose "Mac OS" and "MacPorts".  Been good for 10 years,
thinking about switching back to Debian.

 > Forget about "FF" nowadays. Crap project.

All big projects are crap.  All we can do is contribute what we can to
making them less crappy by listening to users and coming up with
solutions that address their problems and not ours.  Everything I said
about failing to fix Emacsen?  If you like vi, I have nothing to say
to you because you're right for you.  But Emacsen have their place in
the world.  Emacs users should keep trying to fix their favorite
cross-platform system library.  (That's *why* Emacs is not a total
violation of the Unix philosophy from a certain viewpoint.  Emacs is
not an editor: it's a OS interface for developing all the things you
ever need to do with a computer.)

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