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TLUG Meeting

Steve Meyers and I are writing a few articles about Linux for
_Computing Japan_.  I would like to include something about the group
in the article.  Is it possible to schedule a meeting for Sunday,
July 16th?  How does this look for everyone?


     Craig Oda      12 40 82 A8 DF DD DD 30  BB 0E 26 22 E0 D8 F2 87           Public Key: finger 
     phone: +81-3-3351-5977                   fax: 81-3353-6096
     Twics / IEC Building / 1-21 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 Japan
     Now accepting resumes by postal mail.  CS or engineering degree required.
     send me e-mail for additional requirements.

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