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Re: Lunch Sunday, 11Aug?

Hi TLUG gang!

     It looks like lots of Linux fun for this Sunday 
meeting especially with Java on the topic list. But
sad to say, I can't make it. Just too darn busy!

     Speaking of Java, I got this sad note from the 
java-linux mailing list:


From: Karl Asha <>
Subject: Java on Linux, and Sun

As of late, the attitude of Sun Microsystems with regards to external ports, 
in particular the linux port, and redistribution have led us to believe that
it is no longer in our best interests to provide, distribute, or allow 
mirroring of the Java Developer's Kit for linux. 

It has become evident from comments made by Sun that the free distribution 
of ports, such as the Java-Linux port are not what they have in mind 
anymore. In addition, under the contraints of the license, we are restricted
from distributing a port that is no longer completely compatiblew with 
current versions. This restriction affects the binary distribution of the
Java Developer's Kit, version 1.0.1. 

Randy and I are both in agreement that our work to support the porting
of the Java Developer's Kit, from Sun Microsystems will no longer continue
until the licensing issues are either solidified, made clearer, or 
brought back to the former respectibility that they once displayed
with earlier releases. 

We are very much interested in hearing the opinions of the Java Linux community
at large on this subject matter, though it would be greatly appreciated if
this discussion is limited to the mailing list
for the time being.

Thank you, 
Karl Asha


     Have fun at the meeting!


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