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September 28 meeting

I have confirmed with Huw and also Fusion management about the
September 28th meeting at noon.

I've replaced the TWICS blurb with a Fusion Systems Blurb on the
mailing list and have added a link to Fusion and minor propaganda
on the TLUG meetings home page:

I've noticed that Jim Schweizer has added a nice set of navigational 
buttons to the meeting notes.  He also added more members to the list
of members. Thanks Jim.   Anyone else want their homepage listed?

Huw (count0) mentioned that he will try to have an online map to
Fusion before the TLUG meeting. 

Huw also mentioned that it would be helpful if we could get a head count
for the meeting.

Any ideas for topics to add to the meeting agenda?


Craig Oda	
TWICS - Japan's First Public-Access Internet System, 
   TWICS - IEC Building, 1-21 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 JAPAN
Main Reception: 03-3351-5977	Fax: +81-3-3353-6096
Customer Service: 3351-5481   Corporate Sales/Support: 3351-8452

a word from the sponsor will appear below
TLUG September 28th meeting is sponsored by Fusion Systems Japan, Inc.,
a global professional services firm.
No. 2 Toshin Aobadai Building 9F, 3-17-13 Aobadai,
Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153, Japan
Tel: (03)5456-7561   Fax: (03)5458-4422

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