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Re: jlug mailing list???


  I have resolved never again to use vim inside Pine for Japanese email.
At least three of the lines of my letter to JLUG got truncated at the
right margin, making complete gibberish of the first part of the
letter.  One more  strong incentive to switch to mule, I suppose.  

  Since I inflicted that earlier missive on you all, I thought I might
forward some of the response I got.  

1. Apparently the membership procedures which I had criticized as 
ridiculously complex are necessary in order to establish their 'actuality'
as a non-profit corporation, which in turn was necessary in order to
get the domain name ''.
>   $B$3$l$OF|K\$GHs1DMxK!?M$,!VZL@$9$k$?$a$KI,MW$@(B
> $B$+$i$G$9!#$J$<ZL@$7$J$/$F$O$J$i$J$$$+$H8@$($P!"(B`'$B$H(B
> $B$$$&%I%a%$%s$re$2$kM=Dj$G=`Hw$7$F$$$^$9!#(B

  Point taken.  I suspected this might be the reason.

  Speaking of which, anyone know what the traffic is like (and the 
subscription address) for the above-mentioned mailing list?  Any good 
alternatives to Mule for reliable J-email-handling.

Dennis McMurchy, 
Tojinmachi, Fukuoka

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