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tlug: A little more on juman

tlug note from Dennis McMurchy <>

  Still haven't unpacked and explored the juman2.2 package that I downloaded
yesterday (there was a fairly recent Linux patch for this).  It also has
an X Window System front-end called vijuman.

  However, a little further investigation suggests that there is now a
successor to juman2x and it is _not_ juman3x, but has been rechristened
chasen.  See the page at
for details.

  Whether development has split into two camps or not is not clear to me.
Chasen 1.0 is supposed to be a leaner, meaner extension of juman2.0 .
It also has its own X Window System interface 'vicha' and is supposed to
work with, among many other OSes, Lignux 2.0. 

Dennis McMurchy, 
Tojinmachi, Fukuoka

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