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Re: tlug: XEmacs and Kanji detection

tlug note from Craig Oda <>
From: "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
Subject: Re: tlug: XEmacs and Kanji detection 
Date: Mon, 02 Jun 1997 13:01:35 +0900

> --------------------------------------------------------
> >>>>> "Craig" == C Oda <> writes:
>     Craig> during a recent switch from wnn-xemacs to canna-xemacs my
>     Craig> xemacs seems to have lost the ability to detect and display
>     Craig> kanji codes properly.
> (setq coding-system-alist '(("" file automatic-conversion)))

thanks for the tip on this one.  I tried the above string and
unfortunately, it  didn't work.  However, it made me think about
what else could affect things.  Then, it hit me.  The "I'm so
lame" thought again.  When I went through the disk wipe, I erased
my .bash_profile and my LANG variable was unset.  I set LANG to
Japanese with:
    cow:~$ export LANG=ja_JP.EUC

and got it working.  Now, I'm happily in XEmacs and using
Japanese.  I just have to spend some time setting my Xresources
to my liking and I'll be all set.    I'm in mew right now and
things look good.  



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