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tlug: samba install help

tlug note from Masahiro Otsuka <>

I've been trying to compile samba(samba-1.9.17p2) on
RedHat4.2(kernel2.0.30). Edited a few line in Makefile, including
japanese file name support.  But I get the following error message.

> [ source]# make
> Using CFLAGS = -O -DSMBLOGFILE="/var/log/samba/log.smb" -DNMBLOGFILE="/var/log/s
> amba/log.nmb" -DCONFIGFILE="/etc/smb.conf" -DLMHOSTSFILE="/etc/lmhosts"  -DLOCKD
> IR="/var/lock/samba" -DSMBRUN="/usr/local/sambausr/bin/smbrun" -DWORKGROUP="m&t"
> USE_LIBDES -DSMB_PASSWD="/usr/local/sambausr/bin/smbpasswd" -DSMB_PASSWD_FILE="/
> usr/local/sambaetc/smbpasswd"
> Using LIBS =   -ldl -lpam   -L/usr/lib -ldes
> Compiling server.c
> /bin/sh: t": command not found
> make: *** [server.o] Error 127
> [ source]# gcc: No input files
Do you know what is causing this problem?

M&T Agency
Tokyo, Japan
Masahiro Otsuka

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