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tlug: Redhat 4.9 i386

tlug note from Jim Tittsler <>
My machine at work has been *way* too boring lately.  I've used it for
months without chasing new kernel versions or libraries.

So I jumped at the chance to download and install the new RedHat glibc-based
beta version (4.9, aka "Mustang").  It was the first time I did an FTP
install directly from one of the internet mirrors and it went quite
smoothly (except for a long pause while it tried to update some non-existant
sendmail aliases... which I later nuked anyway to install Exim).

So far, so good.  Its worked for 7 hours now.  :-)


P.S.  One other thing that I did earlier this week was to add the patches to
my 2.0.30 kernel so that I can take advantage of 2048-byte sector 640MB MO
media.  Works nicely.
Jim Tittsler, Tokyo

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