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tlug: ?FW: The JWP-Port Project

Did this go through the first time - apologies if it did.

-----FW: <>-----


I don't know if the TLUG would be interested in this or not, but maybe
there is a space for it on either your web pages or passed along to your
mailing list members.

Thanks ...

--- begin

From: Steve Frampton <>
Subject: ANNOUNCE: JWP-Port Project

[From: header modified to thwart e-mail spam.  See .sig for details]

Do you pine for the nice days of Minix-1.1, when men were men and wrote
their own device drivers? Are you without a nice project and just dying to
cut your teeth on a OS you can try to modify for your needs?

Well, it's been done and it's called "Linux".

But perhaps you'd like to work on another exciting project?  There is
a Windows application, called JWP -- a Japanese Word Processor.  This
package was written by Stephen Chung, and as a GNU product it is freely
distributable.  I've used it extensively over the past few years, and
it is a *great* package.

JWP comes with its own fonts and its own Front End Processor (FEP)  which
means it is useful on English-only computing systems.  It is also
integrated with Jim Breen's EDICT Japanese-English dictionary.

Unfortunately, JWP is only available for Windows right now, which is
locking out a lot of people under other platforms who might benefit from
it.  As Stephen is quite busy with full-time work and maintaining the
Windows versions (he's developing version 2.00 now), I decided to go
ahead with a port to X-Windows.

This project will never get off the ground without volunteers, however.
Therefore I invite any interested X-Windows developer who wants to make
a contribution both to the GNU and Japanese-speaking communities, to lend
a hand with this exciting project.

The JWP-Port Project home page contains more information on the JWP
package as well as the JWP-Port project itself.  If you are interested,
please visit the page at

Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

----------------< LINUX: The choice of a GNU generation. >----------------
Steve Frampton   <3srf(@)>
----------- Please remove .FOOBAR from address before replying. ----------

--- end

--------------< LINUX: The choice of a GNU generation. >--------------
Steve Frampton  <>

--------------End of forwarded message-------------------------

Jim Schweizer <> 
sent this on 28-Oct-97 at 19:47:49
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Next TLUG meeting is Saturday Dec. 13, 1997  (possibly Nov. 13?)
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