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tlug: Stickers

john> Assuming that the round stickers are much smaller than the
john> "Bumper" stickers, could we reserve a half dozen or so for the
john> front panels of the IPCs? With luck they'll just cover that nasty,
john> sticky silver mess where the bar-codes come off.

OK - I've separated some off for this.  As far as getting the bar-codes
off ... do you think that using a heat gun might help to get them to peel
off?  I'll bring one that I use for shrink-wrapping if you want to 
give it a try.


Joe Marchak

TLUG Meeting Dec. 13, 12:30 at Tokyo station Yaesu Chuo ticket gate
13:30 Starbuck's coffee.  13:45 HSBC | info:
At least 3 functional Sparc IPC machines will be raffled out
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