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Re: tlug: Kernel compile problem

>>>>> "Dennis>" == Dennis McMurchy <> writes:

Dennis>>   Hi all, Just thought I'd apply the last two (stable) kernel
Dennis>> patches and move from 2.0.30 to 2.0.32.  Most unexpectedly,
Dennis>> I'm getting the following compile error


Dennis>>   Has anyone else run into this problem?  I'm using the same
Dennis>> /usr/src/linux/.config that I compiled 2.0.30 with.  Surely
Dennis>> this is not the problem, though.  The problem file
Dennis>> aic7xxx_seq.h was apparently modified during this morning's
Dennis>> patching.

Dennis>>   This is line 484-5 of that file:

Dennis>> #define AIC7XXX_SEQ_VER "$Id: aic7xxx.seq,v 4.0 1996/10/13
Dennis>> 08:23:42 deang Exp $" 0xff, 0x6a, 0x93, 0x02,

The define seems to be where it shouldn't. I don't know how it got
there but I don't remember having any problems upgrading to
2.0.32. You could try using the patch-kernel script from a clean
source tree.  It's linux/scripts in the kernel source.

I can mail you the offending file if you want, but there may be other
things lurking in there so it may be better to start over again.

Hajime Saito

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