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RE: tlug: X Windows client

>Probably not (: TSP, S-plus, Mathematica, Maple, GAMS, SAS, maybe
>SPSS, GAUSS.  Mathematical manipulation or statistical analysis
>packages, all of them.  I said the vendors I know :-) I don't have
>much call to talk to OA makers (word processors and spreadsheets don't
>cut it in my applications) or even database or CAD types.

Oh come on man... gimme a little credit!!! :D  it's kind of discouraging
when you pre-judge someone (a newbie such as myself)... just asking for a
bit of advice is all...

But in any case, I used to have fun playing around with Mathematica when I
first started playing with Win 3.1 and a friend brought it over, and I have
used SPSS many a time in order to figure out statistics for marketing
research analyses... not quite an OA application, but I somehow fit it in to
work for me in an OA type of environment...

>Note that even in these applications they push the Windows and or Mac
>versions in the professional (econ) journals :-(  Mentioning Linux or
>Unix would scare some unsophisticated users away.

hmmm.... so the sophisticated users are the Linux and Unix users only?
somehow, I feel that you have a bit of a superiority complex with this whole
computer thing, eh? :D hee hee hee...


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