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Re: tlug: Problems with Toshiba notebooks?

>>>>> "David" == J David Beutel <> writes:

    David> and I don't know about the IR i/f, even if I had another IR
    David> device with which to test it).

Um, what do you plan to drive that interface with?  Is there a kernel
driver now?

All I've been able to find is Donald Becker's IrDA stuff, which does
not work with the Sharp-provided serial-to-IR interface for the Color
Zaurus (the only allegedly IrDA-compliant object I have access to at
the moment).  The Zaurus is quite flakey with that serial/IR I/F, even
under Windows95 ---some machines (Gateway Pentia) work, others do not
(DEC Pentium, IBM StinkPad).

According to Becker, IrDA is quite hosed as a standard; what may save
it in practice is the Microsoft IrComm interface.  But this is not
going to be available to Linux developers, I would imagine.

The Sharp software for the serial/IR I/F really sucks, too; advertises 
lots of capabilities that it apparently doesn't have (or maybe IrComm
doesn't provide)---it's clearly a tease for their much more expensive
PIMM package (although the basic package was expensive enough for a
100 yen piece of silicon and plastic).


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