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tlug: W95 and Linux


I have the following problem: 

I would like to install on the same HD (3G) W95 japanese, 
W95 english and Linux. 

I created a primary partition (hda1) for W95J and 
a primary (root) partition (hda2) for Linux. 
I left a part of the extended Dos partition 
for the W95 english version, that I cannot install 
without overwriting the Windows file on hda1. 

On the other hand, fdisk (DOS) doesn't allow me to create 
another primary partition for W95 E. 

How can I install the three systems? 

thank you 
Domenico Carlucci
Next TLUG Nomikai: 11 March Wed 1998 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 19:30
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