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Re: tlug: compiling

On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Marcus Metzler wrote:

> I just remembered that I read something about the K6 and compiling kernels.
> I think they said that the problems you described happened with some K6
> CPUs.

Let me see if I can find the exact article ... damn, no, all I have is
AMD's response.

If memory serves, the bug would only show up in K6 processors with a
stepping of 2 and below.  It would only manifest if the machine had more
than 32 Mb.  There was one other condition, which I've forgotten.

Anyway ... this was AMD's response:

AMD recently received reports from a limited number of users having
intermittent problems while running core re-compiles of the Linux
shareware operating system. Our systems engineering group has duplicated
the observation and determined that it is related to a previously known
erratum. Full technical details of this erratum are documented in
section 2.6.2 of the AMD-K6 MMX Enhanced Processor Revision Guide posted
on our website, Users that feel they are being affected by
this problem, should contact AMD's support line at (408) 749-3060 and
ask for Dan Hingle or Glen Garcia.

(end quote)

AMD pulled the affected processors off the market fairly quickly.

--	Chris (

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