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Re: tlug: TLUG server as learning tool

On Mon, 23 Feb 1998, Craig Oda wrote:

> Hi,
> I would like to propose that the configuration of the TLUG server 
> be viewed as a learning opportunity.  The idea I have is just
> to start off with the basic Linux system with not much installed,
> IP, ethernet, routing, basic IP daemons.  Then, we arrange
> teams where people remotely try to tackle a project.  We could
> make sure that at least one person in the group knows what
> they are doing, but that the novices get a chance to learn.
> For example, instead of getting someone that knows how to 
> install majordomo do the installation, why not let someone
> that has never done it, take a crack at it and then let someone
> that has done it, review it for security holes or other
> misconfigurations.  
> The same could be done for INN and the DNS.  Most of the fun
> is in the configuration, so why not help novices enjoy that
> rush for the first time.  We could do the same for Apache
> and eVote.  
> To me, even if it takes more time, the group members will
> get more out of it.  
> Another project is moving the Perl CGI scripts from TWICS to 
> the new server.  The Perl experts could help the Perl novices
> edit the files with the new settings and place the files
> in the proper places.  
> This could be kind of like a virtual classroom on Linux
> system admin.  I think that both teacher and student would
> benefit because the best way to learn something is to 
> teach it.
> I'm interested in feedback on 1) the idea in general,
> 2) do we have enough teachers and students?

Sounds like a good idea... what version of Linux is going on this server,
anyway?  I think it should be TurboLinux 1.2, but, of course, I'm a bit
biased :)

Scott M. Stone <,>
Linux Developer/Systems Administrator for Pacific HiTech, Inc.

Next TLUG Nomikai: 11 March Wed 1998 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 19:30
Chuo-ku, Kyobashi 1-1-6, EchiZenYa Bld. B1/B2 03-3275-3691
Next TLUG Meeting: 11 April 1998 Saturday, Tokyo Station
Featuring Tague Griffith of Netscape i18l talking on source code
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