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Re: Fw: tlug: a Netscape puzzle - the answer

On Fri, 27 Feb 1998, 3Web - Jonathan wrote:

> >The "ANIM" tag and "HASH" and "KEY" attributes are smoke screen jokes
> >designed to throw off those who are trying to figure out how he did it.
> I guess that means we won't be doing that ourselves. At least, not unless we
> get the source code and release a TLUG version of Communicator :-)
> Jonathan

It used to be just the 'jwz' in a URL that triggered it.  I think this was
in the 2.0 days of navigator.  It dosn't seem to work anymore.

Marc Christensen	       |  Check out the linux-access pages.
SysOp CDSS University of Utah  |  linux-access - Making a difference!     |

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