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Re: tlug: Linux Users Group of Singapore

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Tittsler <>
To: <>
Date: 1998年2月27日 21:43
Subject: tlug: Linux Users Group of Singapore

>As it happens, I attended the Linux User Group of Singapore meeting on
>Friday, February 13th.  They meet on the second Friday evening of every
>month at one of the lecture rooms at the Singapore Telecom Academy.

I envy you being in Singapore, if not sitting through such a long-winded
talk :-)  I'm sitting here with a horrible cold (actually, a recurrence of
one I caught in Singapore), or maybe it's flu, shivering with the chills,
and - worst of all - it's snowing like crazy outside!  And I bet it's 30
degrees where you are - lucky! :-)

Are you in Singapore on business or pleasure?

Jonathan Byrne <>
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