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Re: tlug: Server Name?

-----Original Message-----
From: Craig Oda <>
To: <>
Date: 1998年3月1日 17:59
Subject: tlug: Server Name?

>What should we name the server?  penguin?  pengi? pengu?

IMO, nothing involving penguins.  I'm sure I can't  be the only person in
the world who thinks mascots like cute little penguins and cute little
devils detract from the professional image of the otherwise high-quality
operating systems they represent.  Even some of the names of Linux
distributions are guilty here.  Who wants to convince an MIS manager who has
maybe never heard of Linux and is suspicious of free software that you
should install something called Slackware in your production environment?
Fortunately, Turbo Linux and Caldera have more professional-sounding names.

With my spleen thus well and thoroughly vented, I'll go on to what kind of
name would be good.  First, since there's the possibility that we might
someday have multiple machines making up the TLUG site, we should pick
something like a "family" that we can draw names from.  For example, my
three machines (two at home, one at work) are all named after Japanese
freshwater gamefish (ayu, yamame, iwana), just because I like fishing.
Doubtless, some of you will think that sounds as bad as pengy :-)

One such category could be place names in the greater Tokyo area and/or
Japan as a whole. The rodeo category as mentioned would also provide a rich
source of server names. So could drinking establishments used for TLUG
nijikai functions :-)

>  jiyuu?    pony?  rodeo?    cray55?

I think we might want to stay away from cray55 to avoid any possible
copyright infringement.  If it was really a Cray, we'd probably be on solid
ground calling it that, but since it's a PC . . . better to not use it in
the first place than to risk having to change it later, IMO.

Jonathan Byrne <>
Media and Content Section
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Next TLUG Nomikai: 11 March Wed 1998 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 19:30
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Next TLUG Meeting: 11 April 1998 Saturday, Tokyo Station
Featuring Tague Griffith of Netscape i18n talking on source code
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