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Re: tlug: Anglicization - Re: Server Name?

Matt Gushee $B$5$s$O=q$-$^$7$?(B:
>If I'm not mistaken, it's called the (wouldn't you know it!) Monbusho
>system. Ah, excuse me, the *Monbusyo* system [gag].
It is called "Kunreisiki" ($B71Na<0(B), and officially taught at elementary
(primary) schools.  The "Kunreisiki Romazi" is not considered as
English but the method of Japanese spelling.

I do support "Hepburn" system of Romanization, and feel very
confortable to see words like "Romazi" "Ziyu" etc., but I do not
think "Kunreisiki" is *wrong*.


Ken Harada = $B86ED(B  $B7r(B
Hayama, Japan
Next TLUG Nomikai: 11 March Wed 1998 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 19:30
Chuo-ku, Kyobashi 1-1-6, EchiZenYa Bld. B1/B2 03-3275-3691
Next TLUG Meeting: 11 April 1998 Saturday, Tokyo Station
Featuring Tague Griffith of Netscape i18n talking on source code
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