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Re: tlug: Net Day

Hello, everybody.

urs wrote:
> joem wrote:
> > Steve said he thought that maintenance was the big issue here, not setup,
> > and I agree.  If we were to donate time to set up a server at a school, we
> > have to be prepared for long-term support.  If we were to do this, we
> > should start off with one school first and see what the long term demands
> > become.
> I agree with Joe it is more about spreading the word of Linux.

 It seems to me at least a couple of members agree to do voluntary setting
up. Setting up Linux and Server is interesting to me. So I'd like to
do this without charge. Even though I installed nearly 20 Linux boxes.
I hadn't have a chance to set up a server, which is permanently connected
to Internet. I still use Dial-up connection both at office and home.

 Finding the first school is a difficult job even without charge.
In Japan people are suspicious to voluntary works.
 Considering our capacity, one school is a good idea at a start.

Masa    Uc^ida Masatomo,Hidaka,Saitama,Japanio
Next TLUG Meeting: 11 April Sat, Tokyo Station Yaesu gate 12:30
Featuring Tague Griffith of Netscape i18n talking on source code
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