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RE: tlug: vfat under Linux

On 20-May-98 Jonathan Byrne - 3Web wrote:
> Currently, the owner for everything on my W95 VFAT volume, when mounter
> under Linux, is root. However, I'd like to be able to change this.
> Attempting to do a chown results in the message "operation not permitted."
> Are vfat volumes mounted read-only or something, even though the file
> permissions do show as rwx for owner?
> TIA,

The VFAT system does not support user ids so as far as I know chown won't work
with a VFAT file system. But, you can specify a uid to use when you mount the
drive, for example,

         mount /dev/hdb1 /dosc/ -t vfat -o uid=130

would mount the volume with the user id of 130. All files on the volume will
have the same uid. You can set the group id in the same way using the gid
option. Check the mount man page for more info.


Dr. David Dibben
National Food Research Institute
2-1-2 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8642. Japan
Tel:  0298 38 8029           
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