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Re: tlug: Re: splitting windoze

 > Kei's suggestion of just installing another hard disk also
 > has a great deal of merit.  Disk drives are cheap, and this
 > is the most trouble-free installation you could make, since
 > no partitioning is involved.  Each operating system gets its
 > own hard disk.  This has merit in a dual-boot situation,
 > since Windows isn't necessarily all that graceful about
 > sharing a disk :-)  Just install Linux on the new disk,
 > install LILO or the boot manager of your choice in the MBR
 > of C, and you're all set.
I would have chosen the option of using another a harddisk if weren`t a 
notebook, which makes everything a little more inconvenient.


Dr. Marcus Metzler
Department of Physics    | $B")(B $B#2#7#4!<#8#5#1#0(B
Toho University          | $;T;0;3#2!<#2!<#1(B
Miyama 2-2-1, Funabashi, | $BElK.Bg3X(B  $BM}3XIt(B  $BJ*M}(B
Chiba 274-8510           | 
Japan			 |
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