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Re: tlug: June 13 Meeting

Hello, everybody.

Jonathan wrote:
> For the morning session, we're sort of locked-in as to what
> the demo installs are going to be, since we need to install
> them on machines that will A) Be used for the Deb Vs. RPM
> drive-by shooti ^H^H^H demonstration :-)  and B) These boxes
> are going to become permanent TLUG-use machines.
 I can also come to the morning session with Redhat 5.1, which
I bought at Akihabara.
 I'll come to the Yaesu Ticke Gate at 10:00 AM. How about this
time for setting up team?


Masa   Uc^ida Masatomo,Hidaka,Saitama,Japanio
Next TLUG Meeting: 13 June Sat, Tokyo Station Yaesu gate 12:30
Featuring Stone and Turnbull on .rpm and .deb packages
Next Nomikai: 17 July, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
After June 13, the next meeting is 8 August at Tokyo Station
Sponsor: PHT, makers of TurboLinux

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