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tlug: Re: Sparc Monitors

Gavin wrote:

> Not strictly a Linux question, more of a hardware one. We're running a
> bunch of Sun Ultra machines as servers. When we bought them it was
> actually cheaper to buy them with monitors, so we have a couple of
> unused monitors sad idle in boxes. They're really nice monitors, and
> I'd like to plug one into my PC. Does anyone know if this is possible?

The newer monitors can be run from a PC standard VGA port if you get 
the right dongle.  You can get them from Sun Express as follows:

Attn: Kaori Kashiwagi, SunExpress  
  * Your complete company name
  * Ship-to Location
  * Telephone number

Part description: VGA/13W3 connectors
Part number Sun Express: 530-2357 (Sun Systems: 530-2357-01)

Price 9000 yen 


Joe Marchak

Next Nomikai: 17 July, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
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