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RE: tlug: Re: TurboLinux

-----Original Message-----

7ol : Joe Marchak <>

>PHT makes a good product, and there isn't any reason not to post on the
>mailing list to let us know about it.

>You guys are both doing Linux and TLUG a service by being good supporters
>of a good cause - pulling together towards our common goals.  Keep up the
>good work!

Yeah, like he said :-)

We have not had any prohibition on people making commercial announcements to
the TLUG list as long as they are list subscribers, so I certainly see no
problem with a TL release announcement.  If I remember correctly, this was
discussed some months back and the consensus was that list members were not
prohibited from making postings announcing Linux products or services that
they provide.    Making a living from Linux isn't easy,  so I'm happy if our
list can make that a little easier for people who are doing so.



Next Nomikai: 17 July, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
Next Meeting: 8 August, Tokyo Station Yaesu central gate 12:30
featuring Linux on multiple platforms:
i386, Sparc, PA-Risc, Amiga, SGI, Alpha, PalmPilot, ...
Sponsor: PHT, makers of TurboLinux

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