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Re: tlug: Start and stop Apache on TL2.0

>>>>> "Scott" == Scott Stone <> writes:

    Scott> Also, 'locate' will not work unless your system is left on
    Scott> overnight at least once (whereas cron will run the
    Scott> cron.daily and run updatedb and makewhatis), or unless you
    Scott> 'makewhatis' and 'updatedb' manually.

You know, with modern personal Linux systems like notebooks (that
absolutely must be turned off on airplanes, etc), it makes sense to
add a boot time script that checks various cron products and does them 
(in background and very niced) if they're old.  Or maybe one for each
variety of system cron.{daily,weekly,blue-moon}.

    Scott> The installer
    Scott> probably should at least give you the option to do that
    Scott> after install, but it (currently) does not.

Debian (FWIW) does this if it doesn't find the relevant things.  You
could simply run everything in cron.daily at installatino whether the
user requests or not.  No big deal, I should think.

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