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Re: tlug: Kinput2 and Wnn6

>>>>> On 09 Oct 1998 18:38:14 +0900, Frank Bennett wrote:
> Is this due to some limitation in Kinput2 --- maybe the patch for
> Wnn6 is missing something?

With Wnn4 I've never experienced such gakushu problems between Egg and
Kinput2. According to Omronsoft, the Wnn6 single-user license allows
up to five simultaneous connections. Does Wnn6 come with a utility
that allows you to check the number of simultaneous connections, like this?

	hhasebe!sycamore [529]%  /usr/local/libexec/Wnn4/wnnstat
	$B%f!<%6L>(B:$B%[%9%HL>(B       ($B%=%1%C%H(BNo.)       $B4D6-HV9f(B
	hhasebe:sycamore                (1)             2 3 
	sugimoto:sycamore               (5)             2 3 
	hhasebe:sycamore                (2)             2 3 
	. . .

Just curious: Does doing "M-x close-wnn RET" make any difference?

Hiroshi Hasebe

Next Meeting: 10 October, 12:30 Tokyo Station Yaesu central gate
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