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RE: tlug: Long lost Craig Oda

>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Schweizer <> writes:

    Jim> Hi all, On 13-Oct-98 Cliff Miller wrote:
    >> Can anyone tell me how I get a hold of Craig?

    Jim> last thing I can tell is he's in England:)

    Jim> [ jims]$ last -ad craigoda craigoda ttyp1 Fri Oct 9
    Jim> 03:34 - 04:01 (00:26)

    Jim> Anyone know what he's up to?

As of the Rob Bickel Birthday Party in Craig's honor, he was heading
out to the U.S. for a few days and then to Europe for an unspecified
amount of time.

I don't think _he_ knows what he's up to after that.  He mumbled
something about "taking some time off but eventually have to find
work, probably in the Silicon Valley area"....

Maybe you should put a redirect into TCP wrappers so that if Craig
comes in to tlug he'll get redirected to Cliff's office ;-)

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