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Re: Books (was Re: tlug: TLUG Finances)

On Fri, 16 Oct 1998, Steve Carter wrote:

> I'm not so sure it isn't quite a bit cheaper to buy in the U.S. 

Really, the shipping and the exchange-rate kick eat up the difference.
Skysoft is the best deal I've found (and they do sell a lot of computer
books) because they sell at U.S. cover price, and the shipping is free to
any Bunkyodo in Japan.  You choose the one you want from their web site, and
Bunkyodo calls you when the books are in.  The only way you can save
any real money right now buying books from a U.S. distributor is if they are
discounted off list by a good bit, and you buy a very large amount (like
severals tens of thousands of yen) worth at a time.

Now that the yen has suddenly strengthened a bit, things aren't quite as
tight as before.  However, Skysoft is probably still the best deal in terms
of both price and convenience.  They sell at U.S. list, free shipping to
Bunkyodo, and the orderer (me, if it's for the library) doesn't have to be
at home to receive an order.  They call me when it's in and I pick the books
up at my convenience.

In any case, I'm happy to be seeing so much library interest now :-)




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