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Re: tlug: Intranet

Hi, I tried to do what you said, without any success :-(.

But I've found another interesting log:

Oct 18 11:49:55 rapido modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-4
Oct 18 11:49:55 rapido modprobe: can't locate module net-pf-5

I've got dozens of that messages...maybe there's the problem...any ideas?!


P.S.: I first tried without the Bind, but no success either.

Karl-Max Wagner wrote:

> The last line in your /etc/resolv.conf is probably the culprit
> because the nameserver is only available when you
> are hooked to the net - and evwen then it won't work because
> this nameserver doesn't know about your local machines for sure.
> Thus bind lookup for your local network is bound to fail.
> If you want to use bind you have to set it up locally on one
> machine and use it on both machines. In that case it is also
> better to use the eth0 address as the nameserver address. So, if
> the nameserver is running on rapido, then use
>        nameserver
> on both machines. BTW, what does nslookup tell you ? Try to look
> up rapido and lento by it ! I slowly get the impression that due
> to some configuration mistake with named ( believe me, BIND is a
> picky beast .... ) it gives wrong answers.
> I guess you should track down that first.
> For a test you also can disable the startup of named upon boot
> so that all your daemons have to rely on /etc/hosts. However, if
> a nameserver is running, pretty much all programs seem to prefer
> it even if it spits out total bullshit and consequently fail.
> Seems to me that this is your problem.
> Ping normally works because it does not rely so stupidly on
> named....
> ================================================================
> "It was hell. They knew it.          Karl-Max Wagner
>   But they called it       
>     W-I-N-D-O-Z-E"
> ================================================================

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