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tlug: Connection Time Out Problem


Every time a machine tries to connect to my server, there is a connection
time out error. (telnet, smtp,..)

The BAD things
A telnet connects quite slowly from a machine on the same hub, to my server.
A telnet from outside my domain to my server is not possible.

The GOOD things
I can connect myself to a remote host without any problem, and ping my
machine back:
64 bytes from ... icmp_seq=0. time=301. ms
64 bytes from ... icmp_seq=1. time=297. ms
My sendmail sends emails properly.
The machine is a Redhat 5.0, i486/16MB RAM.
It runs BIND and sendmail correctly (I hope so...)

There is no httpd, no Xserver running
I have static global IP addresses.

Would you help me to fix this problem, please.
In the hope to read an answer.

Next Nomikai: 20 November, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
Next Technical Meeting: January, 1999 (details TBA)
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