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tlug: Re: down all week

John De Hoog wrote:
> but that the grass roots infrastructure that supports the Linux
> community, depending as it does on mainly volunteer efforts by people in
> their spare time, tends to be fragile.

I don't know you, or your profession, but it seems that you haven't spent
much time dealing with the companies that purport to provide "real

The response time, quality, and volume of good software that my
company receives from our (well paid) commercial suppliers can't compare
to that I get for free from the Linux community, and GNU software in

It seems that with every e-mail, you manage to bring up some difficulty
that the linux community has in your eyes.   Some of them are probably
valid, many of them are not.  In general however, a more productive
strategy  would be to bear in mind the words of one of Tlug's founding
         Don't Bitch,  Enrich.   [1]

> No, but I'm having difficulty seeing why you have a problem with what I
> wrote. Try not to see "troll" in everything that suggests weaknesses
> somewhere.

Equally important - try not to find something wrong in every nuance.  It
gets tedious rather quickly.


[1]  (c) Yasseppochi Gumi 

Joe Marchak ph:03-5203-3925 fx:03-5203-3699 +813/-03

Next Nomikai: 20 November, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
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