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tlug: Need info. about Japanese and Linux

I am new to this list and I hope this question is not inappropriate.

Some background:
I work for a Swedish company that develop and manufacture
equipment for the electronics industry. We have an office in 
Japan and a small installed base of machines there.

Our machines run Linux and we think we need Japanese characters
on the screen to be competitive on the Japanese market.

I know very little about Japanese writing. I have been to Tokyo
once but that's about all. 

What I need is some pointers to learn more.
I think I have seen some reference somewhere too a book on how
to handle Japanese characters in computers. 


  Fredric Fredricson     MYDATA automation AB
 Manager System SW R&D  Adolfsbergsvagen 11
phone: +46 8 475 55 21                         S-161 70 BROMMA
  fax: +46 8 475 55 01                         SWEDEN
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